ARTCRAFT Music Rolls has its own Facebook page now

General discussions about ragtime music and related styles, such as cakewalk, one-step, two-step, Novelty, stride, New Orleans, Terra Verde.

ARTCRAFT Music Rolls has its own Facebook page now

Postby artcraftrolls » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:29 am

Hello from Maine -

Thank you for inviting me to this new Ragtime Forum.

Peter Lundberg just sent me a score to consider perforating (with my graduated staccato, etc. - called Interpretive Arranging) ... and as soon as I get our heating system changed from kerosene to propane, then I hope to work in the Studio again. Kerosene went from $225 a season to $1200 ... a lot for keeping my pianos/perforators at an even humidity and temperature.

I am adding illustrated texts on a rather frequent basis to the ARTCRAFT Music Rolls page on Facebook ... and have one almost ready to be launched about another system of roll annotation, which I consider better than the famous Aeolian one -

From time to time we'll be putting examples of good Ragtime music on the Internet. Some customers are already doing this. I recently launched a URL of "what NOT to do" with a player, as it drives away potential Player-Piano customers. (Most people I know can't get past 45 seconds of this recording, which was done on a fine pedal grand player instrument.)

Regards, Douglas
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:19 am

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